In each panel several properties of composite materials, namely aesthetics, strength, lightweight and insulation, have been combined.
Slender constructions and seamless façades are examples of aesthetics-driven design. These types of structures are impossible to construct with traditional materials.
The specific weight of composites varies between 1.5 and 2.0 compared to 2.7 to 7.8 for aluminium and steel.
Typical GRP lambda values are 1, compared to 50 for steel and 237 for aluminium, which results in excellent insulation properties.
What is it that you do with composites currently?
Do you need some help? We love to find solutions for challenging composite designs. Don't hesitate to contact us for a no-obligation consultation. Give us a call +31 162 46 22 80 or complete the contact form and we will contact you a.s.a.p.